
xmas fair 2022

Thank you to all the people who attended our first ever Christmas Fair; we do hope you enjoyed your time and managed to buy – or win! – something nice. It was wonderful to see you all and especially the children at Santa’s Grotto.

Thanks also to the Sellers for bringing such lovely items and to those who generously donated items for us to use at the Fair.

We also owe a huge Thanks to our Volunteers for their continued support and much appreciated time and effort, not only at our Events, but every week.

We hope to see you all at our next Event in 2023!

autumn fair

We were delighted to hold our first ever Autumn Fair Event on 1st October 2022

Our tables included a tombola and raffle as well as a Gift and Craft table.  We also had a selection of second-hand clothes and children’s toys at bargain prices. Kids loved our Hook-a-Duck whilst grown-ups enjoyed cuppa and refreshments in our kitchen.

The rainy day didn’t deter all and all proceeds raised go to help fund The Felling Food Network.

Thank you to all that attended!